Thursday, January 30, 2014

Photo an Hour Link Up

As you well know, I love me some blog readin', and lately I have stumbled upon Southern mess and have been loving her random posts about her love for her dog, workouts, and life as a southern girl! I can relate. One of the many things that we have in common is the desire to be nosy and know what everyone else is doing with their lives. So, when I saw that she would be hosting a photo an hour link up I was all in! 

I think I could win the contest for most boring life ever, but the sad thing is I absolutely love it.  
So get ready to see how I spend a typical day. Or just skip to the bottom of this post and help me out with something. 

And yes I do realize that I'm missing a photo for 8am as well as 11am. Okay, and 3pm. So I guess I failed. But I did actually take photos during this time, however they contained my students and were therefore not blogger-friendly. I can assure you they were cute though! Lots of spelling words games and science experiments then the car line. We walk on the wild side in 2nd grade. 

So since we're mainly talking photos in this post I wanted to try to get some opinions here. 
I'm currently playing around with the idea of getting a DSLR and have my eye on this beauty. My grandpa gave me all of his amazing old lenses for his 35mm and the idea of being able to use those bad boys again makes me giddy. I realize that I would probably want to just buy the camera body and if I need an additional lens from what I currently own then I will just buy a better quality one than what comes with the kit. 
I just get caught up in all of the accessories like the remote shutter button, wifi SD cards, a freaking awesome camera bag to double as purse... It can add up quick!
But I'm definitely NOT a professional and don't plan on becoming one. I just want to learn the basics of shooting manually and be able to enjoy creative photography and great family photos. So what are your opinions? 

Do you have any beginner DSLR tips to share?
Things I should look for when buying my first DSLR?
What are your must have camera accessories?


  1. I love your blog :) I have just purchased my first DSLR camera on Amazon. I have a friend who has her own photography business and I asked her what kind of camera to invest in. She recommended the Canon Rebel. There are tons of different versions but she said any will do. I found mine on Amazon for $200 (originally $600) used but it came with the all the accessorizes. It should arrive this week and I will let you know if it's any good

    1. Thanks Stephanie! Please do let me know your thoughts on it. And that's a great idea to buy used! I will definitely keep that option in mind because it all adds up so fast.

  2. I don't know what you are talking about at the end of this post because I have never really been in to cameras. So I am no help to you on that one! However I love this post! I love the idea of chronicling your day in photos and I love the graphic writing you added to them! Great Job!
