Thursday, January 30, 2014

Photo an Hour Link Up

As you well know, I love me some blog readin', and lately I have stumbled upon Southern mess and have been loving her random posts about her love for her dog, workouts, and life as a southern girl! I can relate. One of the many things that we have in common is the desire to be nosy and know what everyone else is doing with their lives. So, when I saw that she would be hosting a photo an hour link up I was all in! 

I think I could win the contest for most boring life ever, but the sad thing is I absolutely love it.  
So get ready to see how I spend a typical day. Or just skip to the bottom of this post and help me out with something. 

And yes I do realize that I'm missing a photo for 8am as well as 11am. Okay, and 3pm. So I guess I failed. But I did actually take photos during this time, however they contained my students and were therefore not blogger-friendly. I can assure you they were cute though! Lots of spelling words games and science experiments then the car line. We walk on the wild side in 2nd grade. 

So since we're mainly talking photos in this post I wanted to try to get some opinions here. 
I'm currently playing around with the idea of getting a DSLR and have my eye on this beauty. My grandpa gave me all of his amazing old lenses for his 35mm and the idea of being able to use those bad boys again makes me giddy. I realize that I would probably want to just buy the camera body and if I need an additional lens from what I currently own then I will just buy a better quality one than what comes with the kit. 
I just get caught up in all of the accessories like the remote shutter button, wifi SD cards, a freaking awesome camera bag to double as purse... It can add up quick!
But I'm definitely NOT a professional and don't plan on becoming one. I just want to learn the basics of shooting manually and be able to enjoy creative photography and great family photos. So what are your opinions? 

Do you have any beginner DSLR tips to share?
Things I should look for when buying my first DSLR?
What are your must have camera accessories?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


What gets you motivated to get out and move?
I have many motivators when it comes to getting my butt in gear. But lately one thing has been the main source of motivation...
Knowing that I have the opportunity to take a shower at my home has been wonderful!
That's right, our water was turned back on this last week after the plumber came out and approved it. I was just thrilled! Never have I been more excited to wash dishes and fold clean laundry, haha!

Usually my motivation to workout changes daily. 
Here's a list of what helps me stay active:
1. My playlist- this can change with the seasons, but I love songs that I'm really familiar with. When I know a strong part is coming up it encourages me to pick up the pace. 

2. Pinterest-I have a secret pin board where I can pin all the motivating pics, workouts, and recipes that I want without having to worry about people thinking I'm too obsessed. (maybe that's pathetic, but hey)

3. The person next to me on the treadmill, or passing me on the track. There are plenty of days where I hate these people, because I typically can tell that they are faster than me, have better form, or have stayed at it for twice as long. You know how the female brain can be. No shocker there. But when I'm in a great mood while working out, that same person that I wanted to slap in the face the day before, can push me to try something new the next. It's a love/hate relationship. They understand. 

4.  My hubby- When Jason decides that he is going to do something he gives it his all. He has gone back and forth on trying to decide when is the best time of day for him to work out, but when he does it in the morning, watch out! He will be serious about it, and he will not back down. I wish I had that grit at 5am. 

5. Warm sunny days- especially when my legs are as ghostly white as their current state. On these days I could run for hours!

6. Bloggers-I follow several blogs that post great workouts and share ideas. Sometimes it’s just fun to be nosy and know how much they workout in a week. 

7. Personal Best-I love going out for a long run and hearing the “coach” come through my head phones and tell me I’m running faster than normal, or I’ve just completed an extra mile! That’s the best!!

8. Creepers- Sometimes those creepy people on the track or walking in the neighborhood give me the extra jolt I need to make it around them as soon as possible. 

9. That meal that you really shouldn’t have, but if you run fast enough you just might be able to enjoy it and still fit into your skinnies tomorrow. 

10.  My puppy!!! You had to see that one coming. There is no doubt that on days when I would typically curl up on the coach and hide from the world, Georgia forces me out the door. I hate the idea of her being cooped up all day more so than me having to constantly walk her. And I mean who can turn down that face?

Speaking of my puppy wuppy, someone is turning 1!!!
We’re honestly not really sure when her birthday is. When we got her, the vet that looked at her previously guessed that she was 8 months old. Then, after she met her current vet here in Texas they guessed she was 4 months. I’m going with the latter of the two due to the fact that she has matched up with all the other signs of just now turning 1.
Therefore, I am declaring this week her Birthday week! So for your viewing pleasure, as if you haven’t seen enough of her, my sweet pup, Georgia Reese!


What motivates you to move?

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Flood (x3)

Well hello there! Long time no see...

This last week life has thrown hubs and I for a loop... Our house has flooded, yet again. 
When we first moved into our house we noticed a small flood of water coming into the dinning room that was later explained away by the plumber as a pipe that just needed to be cleaned out after not being used for a while. We thought no biggie... cleaned out the pipe and thought we had solved the issue. We only wish we were that lucky now.

(At the time I just though it was fun that Jason pulled my pink tools to work on the problem. I was so naive.)

Fast forward to the spring 2013, after replacing all the flooring inside our home the summer before we have yet another flood. I wish I could explain to you all the details of what we experienced during this nightmare. But the truth is there is some of it that I just didn't understand, some that I think we were completely just guessing about, and some that I have chosen to block from my memory. After the fact, we were able to see how truly blessed we were through this struggle, but going through it was terrible! I'm definitely not gonna sugar coat it for ya. We spent almost a week or more with fans and dehumidifiers in our house that cause us both to be sick. We went a LONG time without flooring. And the poor hubby had to take a lot of vacation time off work to let in the numerous crews that were passing through to help us try to get our home back. 

We thought we were in the clear with all flooding issues, and that we could start moving our attention towards other needs in the house. Then we found more water damage, in the same spots as the first two times and knew we were in for trouble. 
For the last week we have been trying to make do without water in our home. Thankfully the fans and dehumidifiers did not have to stay for more than 2 days this time. But we are again without flooring in part of the house.  And have no clue how long it will take this time around.
(after flooring had been removed in dinning room)

A few days before this nightmare continued, Jason and I were having a conversation about the way people in Biblical times would mourn and fast when they were sad and needing the Lord, and how we typically try to just have a quick fix today and simply "get over it" while going through hard times in our lives. 
And when we realized what we had coming our way for a 3rd time, I honestly just wanted to mourn. It was as if allowing myself to cry and pray continuously for God's comfort was exactly what I needed. I have had so much peace this last week that we will be okay. It's still not fun, and I continue to wish that we were able to leave this house as quickly as possible. But I know that God was not shaken from this. And my home is not where my treasure lies. Jason and I both know without a doubt that God will provide in his perfect timing, and we're anxious to see him reveal his plans for us.

This curve-ball has definitely made me have to rethink my exercise and diet routine. Without being able to cook at home as easily temptation has been lurking at every meal. And without the convince of having a working shower in our house, working out had also been less appealing. Walking has been my main source of energy release for both Georgia and I in the morning, and then I've been making use of the treadmill when I head to the gym for a shower. But I'm noticing that I am so mentally exhausted my the end of my run weightlifting has not been happening. Like at all. I think we have been able to work out a system with some meals for the next week where we won't need to eat out at all. We will definitely not be helping out the environment any though. Our pantry is currently filled with paper plates, tin roasting pans, plastic silverware, and lots of disposable water bottles. It was nice to have a week to just readjust though and not have to make meals at home work.

My intentions with this post is not at all to gain pity from you or even to vent about our struggles, but merely to just be transparent and share life. I love that this blog has become a place for me to journal about the everyday things and then come back later and see how life is changing and building into an even better story than I could have written for myself. I hope to be able to look back in a month, or maybe 2, and see how God's hand was providing all along. 

I encourage you to be transparent with someone this week. I 'm always blessed by someone showing me the imperfections that they deal with and how it makes them beautifully unique.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Today I'm linking up with Olivetorun for some would you rather fun :)

Here we go!

#1. Would you rather run in a thunderstorm or a snowstorm?
Snowstorm!!! I haven't seen enough of them in my lifetime living in the south and it sounds magical!

#2. Would you rather breathe through your nose or breathe through your mouth?
Mouth, I know you're suppose to breath slowly and "in through your nose, out through your mouth", but that doesn't happen for me. It just doesn't. 

#3. Would you rather do 100 squats or 100 crunches? [Now take a break and go do them. ;)]
Squats squats squats! During Body Pump you do crazy amounts of reps and squats was always my fav. I never wanted to stop when we had to. 

#4. Would you rather have a baked good for dessert or an extra serving of your favorite entree?
Entree all the way! 

#5. Would you rather run on a treadmill for an hour or run around the same street block for an hour? Treadmill, when running becomes boring for me I get super grumpy and find any reason out there to stop. I love being able to keep things interesting on the treadmill by changing the speed and incline every few minutes.

#6. Would you rather have a headache during a run or a side stitch?
neither. I'm actually a big baby when it comes to pain. 

#7. Would you rather have a rest day on a work day or a day off?
On a work day. Some days I feel like I've ran a half marathon after chasing 7 year olds around all day. To be able to go home and rest sounds wonderful.

#8. Would you rather be a race director or a race volunteer?
DIRECTOR! I enjoy being in control and trying to change things up to make it new again. 

#9. Would you rather spend your money on running gadgets [HRM, GPS watch, Headphones] or running shoes?
can't beat a good pair of running shoes

#10. Would you rather run in a relay or do the run portion of a distance triathlon?
Both! Haven't tried either and yet I want to someday!


Well Happy New Years Y'all!

Our New Years started out in probably the best way possible! With SLEEP! It was so nice I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I was that Jason wanted to go to bed. Usually when New Years comes along I'm looking for something, ANYthjng to do so we can get out and start out our year in a fun exciting way. But this year I was sick. 

We came home from Oklahoma on Thursday the 26th. On Friday I was feeling great and ready to tackle my to do list. On Saturday I started feeling a little under the weather and was hoping it would pass the next day. I went to church Sunday morning and afterwards just wanted to sleep, sleep, sleep! I spent a few days on the couch struggling to breathe. Finally decided to go to the doctor Thursday night and man am I glad I did! They gave me my first ever breathing treatment 
and afterwards it was like magic! After leaving I quickly went to fill my prescriptions, went home in time to see the last 5 mins of the Sooner Magic that was going down in New Orleans (*heart happy*)

 and then went to bed and have been feeling SO much better ever since. 

I'm not usually one to make just one resolution, I like to make several. Usually this is more due to the fact that I can't decide which one is the most important to me so I just go with all of them and then see which ones stick around ;) 

Last year my New Year's resolutions were all centered around my health. I wanted to prove that I could stick to a healthy diet for the majority of the year. I wanted to finally take the weight off and be at the healthiest weight I've ever been. And lastly I wanted to be able to reach new goals with running. 
I'm happy to be able to say I accomplished all 3 of those goals and was so motivated to do more this year. 

This year's resolutions are...
...........Drum roll please........
1. Get toned
I have to admit I was one of those claiming that I hated weight lifting because I did not want to bulk up. But after taking a body pump class over the summer I have completely changed my mindset! I now know how much better I can feel, look, and how much easier the weight stays off with a little bit of muscle tone. And I also realize now that I really won't bulk up at nearly the way I had in my head. 

2. Have no carbonated beverages
I've given them up before but always gravitate back to them over time. I'm not saying as of now I want to never have another Dr. pepper, but I will commit to it for the year. 

3. Do more to serve those closest to me
(These are not listed in any specific order by the way or else this would be higher)
I've found myself desiring to do more for those closest to me lately. They are so important to me and I need to be more thoughtful about how I will live my life showing them Christs love. There are so many little ways that I could bless my husband, parents, in-laws, sisters, friends, that I let slip away because I constantly put myself first. When in reality I have some free time, and I think this is a great ways to use it! 

4. Find a reason I'm thankful to be where I am every day and focus on that!
For the past few years Jason and I have been struggling to find a way to get back to Oklahoma. It's where we want to be and would ideally love to settle down with a family of our own. But the reality is God has not promised that to us or opened a door to let that happen. He has however blessed us with an amazing life here in Texas. I need to stop mourning what I don't have and start praising God for all that I do! There are many upsides to being where we are. I just need to be more proactive towards changing my attitude. 
5. And a little goal for my pup... Get her off of her meds! 
As I've mentioned before Georgia is on medication for separation anxiety. She has shown some serious improvement and even though we still have a long way to go I do not want her to be dependent on these pills for the rest of her life and most of the vets and trainers I have spoke to sound very positive about her being able to slowly improve to the point where she won't need it. So this is her year!!! I hope. 

I must say I have gotten off to a good start with these goals! On Tuesday I got ready by purchasing some new weights for my first goal listed :) 
I also had a great workout when I got home with them and that has been really the only workout I've gotten in since being sick. 
I haven't had ANY carbonated beverages, and haven't really wanted one until today. I've made plans to help my mom on a project she needs to get done for my next weekend home, Georgia has tapered down slightly on her meds and we have been training like crazy fools. And here are my reasons why I'm thankful to be in Texas this week. 
1.Our Church is a huge blessing in our lives and  I feel we have truly struck gold finding the people there! 
2.My bestie lives here!!! And I love having her near by for this stage of our lives!  
3.Teaching definitely has some advantages in Texas and I'm honored to have that opportunity. 4.And lastly we are close enough to Oklahoma that we are able to go home often and yet still able to be in Texas when we need to as well. 

So that's it for me! 
What are your New Years resolutions? I would love to hear about them!