Sunday, December 8, 2013

Back to the Hustle and Bustle with a Snow Day

This last week going back to work has been fast and furious! There are only 3 short weeks left before Christmas Break (praise you Jesus) and there is so much to do. Within this time we have the worlds best field trip planned at school, lots of testing to do on my kiddos, Christmas shopping, my niecey pooh's FIRST birthday, my sister Stephanie's birthday, our class Christmas party, and that's all that's coming to me now, but I know there is more!
Just making that list stresses me out. So I need to be taking things one at a time.
And you know how it goes, when you have lots to do and no time to waste that's when something comes along that throws off all of your plans! Something like a **snow day**

I got to experience my first snow day as a teacher on Friday. It was a mixture of emotions. The little kid in me wanted to jump for joy and play out side for hours, while the teacher in me kept thinking 'well this stinks, I like having those bad weather days to be off in the spring'. However Jason did get to stay home with me. And if we had a bad weather day in the spring then I would home alone. So having him home suited me just fine.
Family walk in the ice

 The snow day also meant that our Worlds Best Field Trip would be postponed. This would be our 2nd Annual Trip to Build-A-Bear! Yes, you read that right, our field trip is to Build-A-Bear! I can't even tell you how much fun it is. We go to an amazing high end mall where Christmas decor and activities are set up everywhere. It's a whole day of Christmas magic and the teachers love it just as much as the kids. When we do get to go I'll be sure to share some more details. It's just awesome! 

The snow day also threw some kinks in our plans as far as getting to go to Ms. Anna Banana's first Birthday party! I guess I should clarify first that we didn't really get 'snow' on our snow day. We got ice. 4 big fat inches of it. And then you add to it the fact that we are in Texas, where this happens maybe once in every 5 years and you can see how this made for a big problem. We didn't get to make it for the party. However I did  get this super cute picture of my sweet girl!

And now it's Sunday and the roads are still just as icy, the temps are still in the 20s and I'm really starting to wonder if we'll be able to have school tomorrow. 
I know one little puppy who wouldn't mind if I had to stay home again for another day. 

Hope you're staying warm and enjoying your Sunday!  Only 22 days till Christmas!

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